(1) How does the dam influence the amount of total suspended solids present in the river water? (2) Does this effect differ depending on time of year?
In what way does the amount of fertilizer applied when growing biofuel crops affect N2O (a greenhouse gas) emissions?
Is there evidence that the tuatara population on North Brother Island has become more male-biased over time due to warming of the island’s climate?
What were the effects of the reintroduction plan on the number of
swans in the Interior Population?
How do salt and phosphorus affect the rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from the soil by microbial respiration?
How does aggressiveness in male sticklebacks affect their ability to defend their territories?
How has the total number of birds at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest changed over time?
Read MoreHow has the total number of birds at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest changed over time?
Read MoreWhat is the effect of cacao farms on the abundance of different bird types?
Does the amount of time lady beetles spend at freezing temperatures affect how long it takes for them to wake up from a chill coma?
Read MoreIn what ways do color pattern differences between different darter species influence female mating decisions and male aggression?
Read MoreWhat is the role of nuptial feeding for paternal investment in the Hawaiian swordtail cricket?
Read MoreHow does island size and/or the distance to the mainland affect carnivore richness in the Apostle Islands?
Read MoreHow does island size and/or the distance to the mainland affect carnivore richness in the Apostle Islands?
Read MoreWhat is the effect of water temperature on corals from inshore and offshore reefs?
Read MoreHow do flatwing males find mates without song? In what ways do their methods differ from those used by males that can produce song?
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Why do most male crickets on Kauai have flat wings? Could parasitoid flies have contributed to the loss of song for male crickets?
Read MoreHow does the theory of island biogeography help explain the distribution of wildlife in the Cleveland Metroparks?
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