Upcoming Workshops
All workshops are FREE via Zoom unless otherwise noted. See also: Personal Demos and Professional Development.
Science journalism and real data as resources for your classroom:
Learn about new collaborative resources from Science News Learning and DataClassroom.
March 20, 2025 from 4:15pm-5:15pm ET
Science News Learning and DataClassroom are excited to launch their collaborative data and STEM literacy resources for teachers. Join us to expand STEM and data literacy with your students by exploring the resources and gaining access and an overview of each platform. Learn about incorporating current science journalism into your classroom with Science News Learning and how you can use DataClassroom to teach graphing and data analysis. This webinar will be presented by Anna Pawlow and Raina van Duym of Science Learning News together with Dr. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom.
Google Trends: Turn Search History into Data Stories
April 17, 2025 from 7:00pm - 7:45pm ET
Ever wondered what Google searches can reveal about the world around us? We know that authentic data is interesting to students, but how can we curate it easily into an activity? Join Christy Scott in this live webinar where she'll use DataClassroom to show you how to transform Google Trends data into a tidy, analysis-ready dataset. Whether you're a data pro or just curious, you'll leave with the tools to turn search trends into investigative stories that speak volumes.
Using data as evidence for argument in the AP Research course.
May 20, 2025 from 4:15pm - 5:15pm ET
Want to strengthen the data analysis approach in your AP Research course?
This session is for the AP Research teacher who wants to guide their students through refining a research question, collecting their own data, and finally using that data as evidence for an argument that they make in their AP Research Academic Paper. In this hour, Dr. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom will cover a general strategy for helping students to refine research questions, analyze data and communicate their findings using graphs and associated statistics. Reedy will also show specifically how DataClassroom can support AP Research students in these tasks.
Past workshops
Click the button below the workshop for recordings and materials from that past workshops.
Getting Started: How to explore an unfamiliar dataset
February 13th, 2025 from 7:00 - 7:45pm ET
Have you found an interesting dataset but don't know how to analyze it? In this webinar Dr. Nigel Standish will walk through formatting, visualizing, and analyzing a new to you dataset. Topics include identifying the unit of observation, recognizing constraints on available questions, variable visualization and weight, and customizing appearance to generate clear data pictures.
Plotting the Course: Scaffolding and evaluating learning of graph choice and construction in undergraduate biology
January 24th, 2025 from 2:00pm ET
This webinar is part of the professional development in evidence based teaching webinar series brought to you by The Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research. DataClassroom is thrilled to be sponsoring this talk by Dr. Stephanie Gardener, one of the world’s foremost experts in how biology students learn to work with data at the undergraduate level.
Three tips for better graphs and stats in science fair projects.
January 14th, 2025 from 5:15-6:00pm ET / 4:15-5:00pm CT
This webinar presented in partnership with the Minnesota Academy of Science, is for all the science fair teachers, research teachers, and to those who give their students the freedom to plan and design their original experiments. This session will present tips to help students get the most out of their data and do better science. DataClassroom Co-founder Dr. Aaron Reedy will cover how to teach students to collect Tidy Data, how to use stats to put confidence to conclusions and how to make intentional graphs.
Getting Started: DataClassroom for Science Fair
December 12th, 2024 from 7:00 - 7:45pm ET
This webinar is for all the science fair teachers, research teachers, and to those who give their students the freedom to plan and design their original experiments. In this session, Dr. Nigel Standish will cover some guidelines for refining student project ideas, thinking about analysis before data collection, setting an appropriate scale for an experiment, and of course analyzing data.
DataClassroom U in the university classroom.
How can a tool support pedagogy for college level learners?
How can a tool designed with pedagogy in mind support learning at the university level? This was the question that inspired the DataClassroom U. Learn how this has played out in university courses big and small since the launch of DataClassroom U. In this webinar, Dr. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom will share examples of the how DataClassroom U has made a difference for students in classes ranging from course based undergraduate research (CUREs) to large intro courses where instructors have been able to incorporate more work with real datasets.
Getting Started: Working with Your Own Data in DataClassroom
Do you want to use your own data in DataClassroom? Join our webinar for a beginner's guide to mastering DataClassroom! Dr. Nigel Standish will demonstrate how to get students exploring their own data in a step-by-step, easy to understand format. This webinar includes cleaning and formatting data, importing data, and sharing your dataset and analysis with others.
All registered educators will receive the session recording and materials.
Data literacy in the wild: Pop Culture Datasets
Making data skills relevant with real world datasets
One of the best parts of teaching with real data is that you can explore topics that engage students the most. If your objective is to primarily to teach data skills, you can be very flexible with the content and use datasets that speak to student interests even if they aren’t traditional “academic” of topics. Join DataClassroom cofounder, Aaron Reedy for this free, one hour workshop introducing datasets built around pop culture topics (Harry Potter, TV, movies, pop music and more!) to motivate students to dive deep into data analysis.
Getting Started: DataClassroom in Your Classroom
This webinar is for anyone who would like to try DataClassroom in their classroom with students. Whether you would like to have your students work with the Classroom Ready activities in the Resource Library, or have them upload and analyze their own data collected in your classroom, this session will get you up and running. Dr. Nigel Standish will use examples of how to work with a dataset from the student point of view as well as how to handle the administrative work of class setup as a teacher.
Which error bars? When?
Do you find that you lack confidence in when to use a confidence interval? Then this session is for you! Dr. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom will cover the properties of error bars commonly used in graphs and show you how they might fit in presenting numeric data in different graphs. He will discuss how they are influenced by the properties of a dataset. Specifically we will cover 95% CI, SEM, Standard Deviation, and Box Plots. Come learn with us!
Getting Started: Planning for Next Year
Do you plan to use DataClassroom next year but aren’t sure how to prepare? Join our webinar for a beginner's guide to mastering DataClassroom! Dr. Nigel Standish will demonstrate how to get students exploring data in a step-by-step, easy to understand format. This webinar includes logging in for the first time, creating classes, setting up student accounts, assigning datasets, and customizing activities.
Graphing as the Gateway to Data Literacy in the Modern World
May 29th, 2024 from 5:30 - 6:30pm ET
This workshop is being held in partnership with the National Science Education Leadership Association and will be aimed at Science Leaders in Schools.
95% of all the data ever produced by humanity has been generated in the last 3 years. Want to give your students the foundation for living and working in an increasingly data driven world? A key first step in data analysis, whether in middle school or grad school, is data visualization. Seeing data allows students to intuit the math involved with data analysis and builds the foundations for learning statistics and computational thinking. This session focuses on strategies for working data visualizations into your curriculum across the middle and high school science curricula and beyond.
Fun activities with data to close out the academic year.
May 8th, 2024 from 4:15 - 5:00pm ET
As the end of the school year comes around, sometimes you just need a fun activity. It is always nice when that fun activity can help students learn something important about visualizing and analyzing data. Join Dr. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom as he presents two activities with datasets that can be a perfect fit for data activities to round out the school year.
Getting Started with DataClassroom Graphing and Statistics
April 18th, 2024 from 7:00 - 7:45pm ET
Do you want to use DataClassroom but don’t have class time to learn a new tool? Join our webinar for a beginner's guide to mastering DataClassroom! Dr. Nigel Standish will demonstrate how to get students exploring data in a step-by-step, easy to understand format using the Ready To Teach Lesson Cicada Sex Education. This webinar includes multiple variables, dot plots, regression lines, t-test, and a bonus ANOVA.
What’s New with DataClassroom?
March 13th, 2024 from 4:15 - 5:00pm ET
The DataClassroom platform is always being improved and expanded in ways that help support learners who are new to working with data. In this session, Dr. Aaron Reedy from DataClassroom will give you a walk through of the latest new stuff from DataClassroom that will include the melt function for making data tidy, correlation matrices, and more. Join us to keep up with the latest and greatest!
Getting Started with DataClassroom Graphing
February 15th, 2024 from 7:00 - 7:30pm ET
Do you want to use DataClassroom but don’t have class time to learn a new tool? Join our webinar for a beginner's guide to mastering DataClassroom! Dr. Nigel Standish will demonstrate how to get students exploring data in a step-by-step, easy to understand format using the Ready To Teach lesson Struck Gold? A Density Investigation. This webinar includes multiple variables, dot plots, and regression lines.
A Classroom Model for Teaching Natural and Artificial Selection on Your Schedule
January 24th, 2024 from 4 - 5:15pm ET
Wisconsin Fast Plants will present 3 easily achievable lesson schedules that will allow students to gather real data on the effects of exerting selection pressure on a heritable trait that is easy to identify. DataClassroom will show how students can visualize their data at any level and how advanced students can analyze their data using χ2 analysis.
Data literacy in the wild: climate change edition
Making data skills relevant with real world datasets
July 25th, 2023 from 6 - 7pm EDT
There may be no more important or contentious issue than climate change. It is difficult to analyze a system so huge and so complex… which means data have a huge role to play in how we understand these systems! In this session, we’ll take a look at a few examples that can help contextualize the role that humans have played in altering Earth’s climate. Join Aaron Reedy for this free, one hour workshop to investigate lessons to help students wrap their heads around climate change with the help of data.
Data literacy in the wild: public health edition
Making data skills relevant with real world datasets
June 8th, 2023 from 6 - 7pm EDT
One of the many important lessons from the past few years is the importance of data literacy when it comes to public health. The importance of working with data to make informed decisions and to save lives isn’t a recent phenomenon, however. In fact, medicine has inspired many important statistical concepts. In this session, we’ll take a look at one important historical example and two more recent examples of how data skills can help save lives. Join Aaron Reedy for this free, one hour workshop to investigate ways to demonstrate the enormous impact of data literacy.
Data literacy in the wild: Sports edition
Making data skills relevant with real world datasets
May 17th, 2023 from 6 - 7pm EDT
As teachers, it’s easy to understand the “why” behind a lesson. Despite this, students often need convincing. One massive opportunity for teaching data skills is the ability to use real world examples - like sports! In this session, we’ll take a look at a few datasets that require students to use data skills to answer questions related to basketball, soccer, and baseball. Join Aaron Reedy for this free, one hour workshop to investigate ways to support your students as they take a closer look at how data can help explain athletic performance.
Using DataClassroom to Improve IA Scores
Help your students unlock the power of data in the IB curriculum
April 27th, 2023 from 6 - 7pm GST, 10 - 11am EDT
The International Baccalaureate’s Internal Assessment (IA) is a major academic task. Building a strong IA requires students to engage in experimental design, data formatting, data presentation, and the appropriate analysis of data. Join Aaron Reedy for this free, one hour workshop to investigate ways to support your students and learn how schools have increased student IA scores using DataClassroom.
All registered educators will receive the session recording.
DataClassroom Science Fair Spectacular
Tips for helping your students get the most out of their data
February 7, 2023 @ 6:00-7:00pm EST
In this 1-hr session we’ll cover strategies for helping students get the most out of their data, with a focus on how they can handle seemingly-difficult survey data. With science fair season fast approaching, now is a great time to help your students shore up their statistical analysis.
Link to blog post referenced in the recording + Slides from the presentation
Conversations with educators: What I do with DataClassroom
Hear from the real experts on teaching data skills… current teachers!
January 9, 2023 @ 8:00-9:00pm EST
In this 1-hr session we’ll be joined by a few DataClassroom super-users who use DataClassroom in their own classrooms to teach a wide range of subjects and grades. After brief presentations where our featured guests show how they’ve used DataClassroom, we’ll have a question and answer session with the audience that we hope is a great way to start the new year.
DataClassroom U: A new tool for college-level learners
Graphing as a gateway to analysis… and now R!
December 6, 2022 @ 7:00-8:00pm EST
In this free 1-hr session, hosted by Aaron Reedy and Blake Blaze of DataClassroom, will demonstrate new capabilities of the DataClassroom U tool intended to help college students who are ready to get started in data analysis, using more statistical tests and even beginning to code in the R programming language. DataClassroom U is built on the original platform designed with pedagogy and ease-of-use in mind, so now even college-level stats don’t have to be intimidating.
All registered educators will receive the session recording and materials.
Stats don’t need to be scary.
Build pre-statistical skills through graphing to make stats less intimidating.
November 10, 2022 @ 7:00-8:00pm EDT
Statistics can be intimidating. But they don’t have to be.
Back by popular demand, this free 1-hour session will cover strategies for building pre-statistical thinking in your students through graph interpretation. Learn strategies for students to look at a graph and discover the implicit questions that are being asked and answered through visualization. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom will work through examples in Ready-To-Teach lessons that your students can use to learn to go from question, to graph, to conclusion as they learn how to communicate the strength of evidence found in a dataset.
All registered educators will receive the session recording and materials.
DataClassroom in my classroom. How do I get started?
October 20, 2022 @ 7:00-8:00pm EDT
Whether you would like to have your students work with the Ready To Teach activities in the Resource Library, or have them upload and analyze their own data collected in your classroom, this session will get you up and running. This free one-hour session (via Zoom) is for anyone who would like to try DataClassroom in their classroom with students.
In this session DataClassroom cofounder Aaron Reedy will work through examples of how to work with a dataset from the student point of view as well as how to handle the administrative work of class setup as a teacher. This session is for anyone that is new to DataClassroom as well as for anyone who would like to brush up on the basics of using the tool with students.
All registered educators will receive the session recording and materials.
Not Another Bar Chart!
Teaching Graph Choice with DataClassroom
April 26, 2022 @ 7:00-8:00pm EDT
I’m not sure about you, but my students (regardless of their age) LOVE bar charts. But there is SO much more to graphing than bar charts…and so many instances in which a bar chart isn’t the best choice.
In this one-hour free webinar, Kristin Hunter-Thomson of Dataspire will review research on how people learn from data to make our instruction more successful. She will explore how DataClassroom is specifically designed to get students exploring and graphing data. She will discuss various strategies to use to adjust your curricula to get kids making more than just bar charts.
Come join a group of like-minded, data-interested, curious folks that are looking to grow their skills, realize you are not alone, and learn some easy tips, tricks, and strategies to start implementing today to help students make better graphs!
Tell a story with data.
Data presentation skills for student research in the K-12 classroom.
February 15, 2022 @ 6:00-7:00pm EST
Data can tell some amazing stories. Join Dr. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom as he illustrates how to tell a story with data, while telling the story of how his students on Chicago’s South Side conducted a classroom experiment that ended up being published in a leading scientific journal. This interactive session will show teachers how to frame scientific questions and pull the interesting stories out of a dataset through graph making and statistics. This session will be a good fit for educators who want to learn to use DataClassroom more fluently and teach students to make better presentations of data.
Experimental design for young scientists (and their teachers!)
February 3, 2022 @ 6:00-7:00pm EST
This one goes out to all the science fair teachers, research teachers, and to those who give their students the freedom to plan and design their original experiments. In this session we will cover some guidelines for refining student project ideas, thinking about analysis before data collection, setting an appropriate scale for an experiment, and of course analyzing data.
This session will be led by Dr. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom who draws from his own experiences leading high school students in authentic science research as well as lessons learned from coaching science fair teachers around the country.
Start making a game plan for great IB scores on the IA.
January 18, 2022 @ 6:00pm EST Presented by Kristen Dotti of Catalyst Learning Curricula
The International Baccalaureate’s Internal Assessment (IA) is a major academic task that for many students is distinctly different from the work they have done in the past. Namely building a strong IA requires students to think and practice experimental design, data formatting, data presentation, and the appropriate analysis of data at a proficient level. DataClassroom helps students directly with those tasks at the moment they need it. Join Kristen Dotti for this free 1-hour workshop where she challenges you to strengthen your plan to support your IB students this year on their IAs. This online interactive workshop is sponsored by DataClassroom and is free to all registered participants.
Prepare Students For The Big Problems Of Tomorrow:
Session IV: Dr. Paul Strode examples and a dataset to explore global health
Former high school science teacher and DataClassroom co-founder, Dr. Aaron Reedy, and Dr. Paul Strode of Fairview High School demonstrate strategies for strengthening the data skills of your students regardless of your course content or academic level. Dr. Strode shares some of his experiences using DataClassroom in his own courses. Strode and Reedy walk through datasets dealing with poverty and its relationship to other big problems.
Prepare students for the big problems of tomorrow
Session I: datasets to explore climate change
Join former high school science teacher and DataClassroom co-founder, Dr. Aaron Reedy and the co-founder of Data Nuggets, Dr. Elizabeth Schultheis, via Zoom, as they show you how you can strengthen data skills in your science class no matter what level you are teaching at. Reedy and Schultheis share concrete strategies for improving the data skills of your students through real world datasets that inform some of the worlds biggest problems such as climate change, poverty, and public health.
Session I focused on real datasets to explore climate change.
By Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom and Elizabeth Schultheis of Data Nuggets. As seen in the NSTA newsletter.
Stats don’t have to be intimidating: Strategies to grow confidence with graphing and statistics at any level
Statistics can be intimidating. But they don’t have to be.
DataClassroom supports students (and teachers!) in doing more with data and statistics at any level.
Join former high school bio teacher and DataClassroom co-founder, Dr. Aaron Reedy and Dr. Elizabeth Schultheis, the co-founder of Data Nuggets as they show you how you can strengthen graphing and statistics in your biology class no matter what level you are teaching at. From descriptive statistics like mean and median to inferential statistical tests like t-test and chi-square, Reedy and Schultheis will share concrete strategies for improving the statistical thinking of your students when they approach a graph.
By Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom and Elizabeth Schultheis of Data Nuggets in partnership with NABT.
Using DataClassroom to meet standards in Science, Math, and Language
This free 1-hour workshop is especially for science and math coordinators, department heads, or any educator who is interested in an interdisciplinary approach to teaching using real data in the grade 6-12 classroom. We will identify math, science, and language content and skills standards that can be reached through the exploration of data. Kristen will share specific strategies for using datasets as the anchor for teaching data analysis and interpretation while relying on the foundation skills of communication to present discoveries and conclusions.
by Kristen Dotti of Catalyst Learning Curricula
Link to recording and materials
Read about DataClassroom and NGSS SEP practices here.
Graphing as the gateway to data analysis and statistics
In this free 1-hour workshop former high school science teacher and co-founder of DataClassroom will walk you through graphing on DataClassroom to meet your students where they are in gaining data analysis and interpretation skills. Reedy will cover the logic behind different graphical choices and using the Graph Wizard in DataClassroom as well as moving beyond basic graphs with descriptive statistics and even p-values when your students are ready.
by Dr. Aaron Reedy of DataClassroom
Using DataClassroom to improve scores on the International Baccalaureate IA
by Kristen Dotti of Catalyst Learning Curricula
Teaching Students To Graph Without Using Additional Class Time
by Kristen Dotti of Catalyst Learning Curricula
Real Data From Real Scientists To Use In Your Classroom Tomorrow:
Learn how to use new Digital Data Nuggets in the DataClassroom web-app
By Dr. Elizabeth Schultheis of Data Nuggets and Michigan State University
Choosing The Best Error Bars To Use On A Graph
by Kristen Dotti of Catalyst Learning Curricula
Blinking Out?
Explore data from the longest-running study of fireflies using Digital Data Nuggets on DataClassroom
By Dr. Elizabeth Schultheis of Data Nuggets and Julia Perrone of Kent State Univerisity
No one does it like you do: Customizing your own data lesson plans
August 19 @ 6:00pm EST Presented by Kristen Dotti of Catalyst Learning Curricula
You often need to modify a resource or lesson plan to make it the perfect fit for your students in your classroom. In this free 1-hour workshop Kristen Dotti will show different strategies for customizing datasets and lesson plans within the DataClassroom platform to make them a perfect fit for your classroom. Learn how to change everything from the complexity of the graphing interface to images and questions that students see for their assignment to make a data lesson plan the perfect fit for your particular group of students. This online interactive workshop is sponsored by DataClassroom and is free to all registered participants.
Link to recording and materials coming soon.