Using DataClassroom to improve scores on the International Baccalaureate IA
A workshop brought to you by Kristen Dotti of Catalyst Learning Curricula
Full recording of the workshop presented on June 17, 2021
Thank you so much for registering for Using DataClassroom to improve scores on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Internal Assessment (IA)!
We had a great workshop with Kristen Dotti on June 17, 2021. Whether or not you were in attendance we want you to have access to the workshop because you reserved a ticket. We were thrilled to sponsor the event and wanted to follow up with some of the questions that were asked in the chat.
Is there a tutorial for getting started in making graphs on DataClassroom?
Yes! There is help available in the DataClassroom User Guide. It has short YouTube videos and explanations that are useful for teachers or students.
Can we get links to the materials that Kristen used in her presentation?
Here they are:
Does DataClassroom have datasets available that my students can use or do they have to upload their own?
DataClassroom has a library of freely available datasets that is always growing. You can view the Resource Library here when you are logged into the web-app. You can search those by text, topic, or subject area and filter by grade level.
Does each student need an account to use DataClassroom?
Each student does need an account to log into DataClassroom. You can create accounts for them with your LMS or manually. Even manually the process only takes a few minutes.
Students can also make an account independently just by visiting the website, but they will not be linked to your account and will not have premium access through your free trial or license. No personal information is required and our standards for digital privacy exceed even the strongest state, federal, and international privacy laws.
Can DataClassroom help my kids choose the right statistical test for their IA data?
Yes! The Graph Driven test in DataClassroom will choose an appropriate statistical test based on the graph that students have created. We firmly believe that good analysis starts with the right graph and the Graph Wizard can help with that part.
Can we see examples of how students do data analysis that begins with a graph?
Yes, Kristen made these nice videos after the end of the workshop. Check them out:
Graphing a change over time with a line of best fit
Graphing a comparison of groups with a t-test
Graphing a relationship between two variables with a line of best fit
Are there more workshops by DataClassroom?
Are there more workshops by Kristen Dotti of Catalyst learning?
Yes! Kristen has an 8-part Statistics for Teaching Science series of interactive workshops beginning this week with Part 1 on Thursday, June 24 at 1-2:30pm Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00). This series is specifically for IB Group 4 teachers. Teachers can join for any combination of Parts 1-8 (if they use the coupon code 4for3in21 they can get every fourth workshop free). Here is the link to find out more information or register.
Ask us about getting DataClassroom for your classroom or school. We want to help!
Aaron Reedy
Cofounder + CEO