The Graph Wizard

How DataClassroom helps your students learn to choose the right graph

What does it do?

The workflow in DataClassroom guides a student through three stages:

  • Data preparation

  • Visualization (graphing)

  • Statistical tests

Here, we will focus the visualization step, where the Graph Wizard is an optional assistant for students that could use help.


Thinking about the goal

By presenting the options in terms of what the graph is intended to show, the student is encouraged to first think about the task rather than jumping to a solution.

Each option is described in everyday language, avoiding overly technical terms, to encourage confidence.

Examples are provided, to allow the student to relate the descriptions to real-world cases


Hints and checks

When the Graph Wizard is interacting with the student and asking which variables do what, the questions are phrased in terms of what they represent.

Here for example the student is asked which variable represents time.

Checks are performed to see if variables have the correct type for the context, and if not, an explanation is provided.


Visuals for options

When we approach the final choice of visualization, we present them visually, and include the more complex options, e.g. the addition of descriptive statistics or regression lines.

This allows the cautious student to stick with what they are confident of, the advanced student to use the more advanced features easily, and the curious student to try something they haven’t used before.


The result

Clearly, the student has made a graph - and it is hopefully a relevant one!

And in the process, they have:

  • Thought about the various kinds of data visualizations

  • Considered their data as variables

  • Thought about the various types of data

  • Seen some advanced options they might like to use


We believe passionately that the best learning experience is one that takes place between a teacher and their students.

But also that this experience can be improved by carefully designed tools, that focus not only on getting results but on providing learning opportunities, building student intuition and supporting the teacher by encouraging the students to experiment and learn by doing.

Want to see for yourself?


Sign up for a free webinar or a demo, browse our User Guide, or register on the app and try it out for yourself.

Dan TempleComment