Transforming data

Sometimes data need a bit of tweaking before your students can analyze them. Maybe they need to be in different units of measurement, or you need to convert a linear measurement into an area, or you want to graph them on a log scale. With those kinds of situations in mind, there are some handy tools in the DataClassroom toolbox.

Logarithmic axes

Need a logarithmic transformation? You now have the option to make your axis (or both axes) logarithmic, or you can transform the actual data (more below).

Data on an illness (no idea which) which initially grew exponentially, before the rate of growth slowed.

Transforming data with a function

You can take the data in an entire column and transform it mathematically. This can create a new column, or you can just opt to change the data in-place.

Read how to do this in our User Guide

The tool supports a long list of possible transforms, including:

  • Arithmetical (add, multiply, etc)

  • Squares, square roots, raising to power

  • Logarithmic, exponential

  • Statistical (ranking)

The full list can be seen here. We’ll be adding new transforms on request.

Anything missing?

We add features like the above all the time based on input from educators like you. Just let us know by email if you have a bright idea!

Dan TempleComment