DataClassroom allows teachers of grades 6-12 to grow data intuition in students

Our Mission

Data skills are key to solving the biggest problems of tomorrow. DataClassroom exists to help students understand both those problems and how to unlock their solutions.

As data becomes an increasingly valuable resource across all fields, the teaching of data skills is becoming increasingly important for middle and high school classrooms. At the same time, as educators, we recognize that the best part of a science education will always be hands-on labs and authentic experimentation. DataClassroom provides teachers the opportunity to integrate next generation data-skills seamlessly with the learning experiences they are already creating. 

What can DataClassroom do? 

The web-based app lets students engage with data and do real analysis. Even students with no statistics background can upload and visualize their own data, ask a question, and use a statistical test to form a conclusion. Your students will learn data analysis by doing data analysis.

While performing analysis with professional accuracy, the students are shown each step in the process through animations and are encouraged to think about what is being done, and why.

Why is it different?

Our founder Aaron Reedy realized that classroom experiments were the lessons that most engaged science students and were often remembered even years later. He continually pushed his students to do better and bigger experiments in the classroom, but realized that available tools for data analysis were not built for kids. Now, with the demands of the Next Generation Science Standards, an even greater emphasis is placed on developing quantitative and analytical skills in the K-12 science education. Teachers and students need a tool that lets them analyze their data, but does not assume a graduate level knowledge of statistics.
